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 There is a need to let people know what Salvation is, why they need it, and how to obtain it.

Our Mission is to let people

Know the truth, and the truth will make you free

The truth is, we all have sinned .(Romans 3:23) If we say we have no sin, we make God a liar .(1John 1:8)

The truth is, " that God loved us sooooo much that He sent His only begotten Son (Jesus) to died for us, so that our sins would be paid for.(John 3:16) And all you need to do is to believe and receive what Jesus has done for you (Romans 10:9,10). He came to earth from heaven, was born of  a virgin, went to a cross and , laid down His life for you.  On the third day was raised again, to prove He had the power to do so, and now sits at the right hand of the Father, making intersession for you. If you will receive what He has done for you, you shall receive the gift of Salvation. He has finished His work . Your work is to receive what He has done for you. Reach out, (by faith) and receive the gift of Salvation that He wants to give you. Believe on Him, trust on Him, (Acts 16:31). Rest in Him. Receive eternal life in Him. (1John: 5:13)
If you have received Him as your Lord and Saviour, will you please write me and let me know. The Bible tells us, if we believe in our hearts and  confess with our mouth that  we have trusted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour,(our Redeemer) then we are saved.Congratulation, your name is written down in THE Book Of Life.
(Philippians 4:3)
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                A Tribute to Our Armed Forced

Jesus went to the cross, to pay for our sins
Receive what He has done for you today

            Jesus is comming back soon!!!!!!!

         Have you received His forgivness?
          Ask Him to Come into your heart....
         And be your Saviour, your Redeemer
For more help understanding God's Word , check out these sites
 Our greatest help comes from the Great Physician, but here is a good health site


            Questions or comments? Need help understanding God's Word?
Need prayer. Write me at

Mailing Address:
A. Hubbard
16363 Blue Springs
  Philadelphia, TN. 37846

More help from the Word of God
